Status Update
Comments <> #2
Summary: Print a summary of benchmark results to command line when running ./gradlew connectedCheck
Sponsor: dustinlam
Tech stack: Gradle
Estimated time: 1 day
Add functionality to the BenchmarkPlugin to hook into connectedAndroidTest and print the benchmark results to CLI after it runs. Ideally we could mirror the output of the text displayed within studio!
Sponsor: dustinlam
Tech stack: Gradle
Estimated time: 1 day
Add functionality to the BenchmarkPlugin to hook into connectedAndroidTest and print the benchmark results to CLI after it runs. Ideally we could mirror the output of the text displayed within studio! <> #3
Maybe we need to return the functionality to AGP that was removed from AGP in version 3.6? I don’t know how to send data from the test, except to use the sendStatus () method
We should make the connectedCheck task output a summary to gradle commandline as well.