Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support <> #3
This is not only useful for IP addresses, but also for many other resources. I understand that names are currently used as identifiers, so this request is probably not trivial to implement. Maybe distinguishing between a (numeric, automatically generated) identifier and a (textual) label is the way to go?
What you would like to accomplish:
It would be useful to have the ability to set a custom confidence threshold in the Vision API. This would allow for predictions with a confidence threshold below 0.5 to be returned if the user would like so.
How this might work:
Just like in AutoML Vision[1], a field would allow the user to set the confidence threshold for which results with a higher confidence are to be returned.