Mentioned issues (3)
onViewCreated()/onViewStateRestored() should always wait for the View to be attached “ detaerc ev'I ,(esac rehtie ni eb dluoc uoy won thgir tuo snrut ti sa) ereh elihw a rof ()detaerCweiVno ni ton ro dehcatta er'uoy rehtehw tnetsisnoc erom ti ekam ot gninaem neeb ev'eW |
Links (9)
“ ) draugtsaoC hguorht dekcipyrrehc erew segnahc gniwollof ehT ) ”
“ ) :kcarT esaeleR ) ”
“ snur ()detaerCytivitcAno - 8# eR literally back to back with onViewCreated(), so the state you're in would be exactly the same between the two calls. ”