Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reaching out.
This issue was forwarded to our product team. Please keep in mind that this issue has to be analyzed and considered by the product team and I can't provide you ETA for it to be delivered. However, you can keep track of the status by following this thread.
Kind Regards <> #3
Is there any update on this issue? <> #4
Thank you for your patience.
Our product team is currently working on it. Once there will be an update it will be shared in this thread.
Kind Regards
Problem you have encountered:
While trying to fetch the list of jobs using the cloud ai API, jobs filtering doesn't work as explained in the documentation using `gcloud` commands.
I tried to filter jobs using jobId pattern e.g.
What you expected to happen:
I wanted all the jobs with *jobId* starting with *rnn*, but I get empty response.
This only works if I provide exact name of the jobId
Steps to reproduce:
ml ='ml', 'v1')
parent_id = "projects/local_bq_project"
filter_pattern = "jobId:rnn*"
list_jobs = ml.projects().jobs().list(parent=parent_id, filter=filter_pattern)
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):