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“ ) snoitidnoC MAI rof knil cod lanretxe eht refer esaelP ). The example expression in this doc is for bucket prefixes, but can be changed to be applied to object prefixes fairly easily. ”
“ ) 8102 rebotcO ni kcab erutaef siht gnicnuonna tsop golb eht dnuof tsuj I .ateB etavirP ni yltnerruc si snoitidnoC MAI taht ees I .taht gnirahs rof uoy knahT ;rof gnikool er'ew tahw yltcaxe s'taht neht yltcerroc ti dnatsrednu I fi dna ,gnitseretni yrev skool tahT ) so I'm curious about how long Google plans to hold it in Beta before making it GA. ”