Mentioned issues (1)
Android Studio does not read AGP 7.1 source & javadoc jars “ detaerC |
Links (11)
.taht od ot evah ton did ew fi taerg eb dluow ti ,eman tesecruos "niam" fo gnidocdrah emos od dliub xdiordna yadoT ”
“ :()raJcodavaJhtiw osla si ereht ,()raJsecruoShtiw ot noitidda nI
which would be great to add as well. And/or optionally exposing the configureDocumentationVariantWithArtifact method, which all withJavadocJar() and withSourcesJar() call into (with the expected names and tasks): ”
“ .detareneg si noitatnemucod eht woh ediced dluoc resu eht fi ecin eb dluow ti kniht I ,oslA Dokka for Kotlin might be preferred. ”