Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #4
Run <> #5
Run <> #6
Run <> #7
Could you please try to determine around what version of RecyclerView this bug seems to have been created? I would first try to reproduce the bug via the version in the sample and then see if it is reproducible betwee RecyclerView 26 all the way up to the AndroidX RecyclerView 1.1.0-alpha04.
Could you please try to determine around what version of RecyclerView this bug seems to have been created? I would first try to reproduce the bug via the version in the sample and then see if it is reproducible betwee RecyclerView 26 all the way up to the AndroidX RecyclerView 1.1.0-alpha04.
Thanks <> #9
Could you please provide an update on this issue?
- I have a RecyclerView using Selection with SelectionPredicates.createSelectSingleAnything() and StableIdKeyProvider.
- A selected item will be colored RED, unselected item will be colored GREEN.
- I select item whose adapterPosition is 0.
- I scroll the list so the item whose adapterPosition is 1 will be on top.
--> What I actually want is the item at '0' will be offscreen and will be detached, but not enough for recycle.
- I select item of adapterPosition '1'.
--> Because it is single selection list, I expect that the item of position '0' will *appear to be unselected*.
- I scroll to top and see if item of position '0' appears to be unselected or not.
Expect: item of position 0 will be colored GREEN (it should appear to be unselected), item of position 1 will be colored RED (it should appear to be selected).
Actual: item of position 0 is colored RED (it appears to be selected), item of position 1 is colored RED (it appears to be selected). (See attachment: recyclerview_selection_issue.mp4).
Note that, the item is correctly unselected, but the change is never delivered to the Adapter due to the behavior of StableIdKeyProvider (I have post about this here:
Source code:
Version used (can be found in the repo): RecyclerView 1.1.0, Selection 1.1.0-beta01.
Thanks in advance.