Mentioned issues (1)
Fragments added with <fragment> don't have their non config cleared if only sometimes in layout “ fo tceffe edis a sa retsam ni dexif ydaerla si siht ekil smeeS |
Links (8)
“ :edoc elpmaS ”
“ ot detaler s'ti ekil skooL - When destroying the fragment view, moveToState is called and ends up re-creating the fragment view now that check has been removed ”
“ (this was the fix for the bug mentioned in comment#3, FWIW) ”
“ ni niaga neppah t'nseod siht erusne ot esac siht revoc ot yllacificeps (troffe demit ylsuotiutrof tub ,detalernu na ni) gnitset lanoitidda dedda ev'ew ,yldnoceS ”
“ :rehgih dna 71 IPA no stsixe ylno ()deyortseDsi ,0303911/moc.ecruoselgoog.weiver-diordna//:sptth ni tset eht roF ”