Status Update
Comments <> #2
As stated in the prerequisite of the AutoML Vision API Tutorial [1], at this time, other regions are not available. So for now, you won't be able to change it.
"Region requirement: Currently project resources must be in the us-central1 region to use this API."
As stated in the prerequisite of the AutoML Vision API Tutorial [1], at this time, other regions are not available. So for now, you won't be able to change it.
"Region requirement: Currently project resources must be in the us-central1 region to use this API."
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3
Please add it as a feature request. Thank you! <> <> #4
Hi, thx for your quick reply, I guess then that you have already starred this link to receive any updates.
I have created the feature request and forwarded it to the AutoML Vision engineering team so that they may evaluate it. All communication about it is to be done here.
Note that there are no ETAs or guarantees of implementation for feature requests.
I have created the feature request and forwarded it to the AutoML Vision engineering team so that they may evaluate it. All communication about it is to be done here.
Note that there are no ETAs or guarantees of implementation for feature requests. <> #5
As per message made on Jun 11, 2020 . The requested feature will be launched with unified Cloud AI Platform (uCAIP). The uCAIP seems to be the another name of newly launched service called Vertex AI (API). In other words, the AutoML vision is not supported by this feature but need to migrate to new service platform (uCAIP) to leverage this feature.
Problem you have encountered:
Error: Cannot move files across regions. Please use a regional bucket in the same location and with same storage class as AutoML. Required Location: us-central1, required location type: Region, required storage class: Standard.
What you expected to happen:
I expect the same behavior as when a central us-central1 bucket is used.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a multiregional eu standard fine grained bucket. Create a dataset for vision api and upload images for test.
Check result.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
API works well with us-cental1 bucket but I need to run on an eu bucket.
I have consulted following documentation: