Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reaching out. I'm going to create an internal feature request. Please keep in mind that this feature request has to be analyzed and considered by the product team and I can't provide you ETA for it to be delivered. However, you can keep track of the status by following this thread.
What you would like to accomplish:
We were talking about metadata and how it would be really nice to provide metadata on changes you make in GCP that is reported to logging. For example: when changing a role or adding a user in IAM, being able to specify an incident/request number or just allowing users to put in free text. There were a bunch of changes made in a project and we of course can see that in the activity log but instead of hunting that individual down, having an option to justify changes would be nice.
This could also be applied to everything, like some of the more important ones (in my opinion) - Firewall rules, subnetwork/network changes, DNS, IAM, permissions on GCS, etc.
How this might work:
When adding/removing an object within GCP, provide a text box that a user could justify their change, this then would be saved in logging and shown in the Activity Log view
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
Today, when a user changes something, you need to physically or virtually contact that user to find out "why" they did that change.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):