Status Update
Comments <> #2
To extend on this request, it would be great if the “cap” for the stroke was configurable, at the moment it is hard coded to StrokeCap.Butt in the private drawCircularIndicator and not configurable from the default; StrokeCap.Butt in the private drawLinearIndicator.
So a cap as a param (for LinearProgressIndicator), or overloading the constructors for ProgressIndicators (Circular & Linear) to include a Stroke param, would be great. We would love to use the provided indicators but still want the curved look, so this addition would be greatly appreciated.
So a cap as a param (for LinearProgressIndicator), or overloading the constructors for ProgressIndicators (Circular & Linear) to include a Stroke param, would be great. We would love to use the provided indicators but still want the curved look, so this addition would be greatly appreciated. <> #3
Along with these a great addition would be to open the stroke width for the background track as well. In the code the same width is passed to draw the LinearIndicator and the background for it. Strokewidth is obtained from the height. Only if these were separated, we could customize the progressIndicator to have the progress stroke greater than the background stroke width.