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“ eht teg lliw uoy ti retemarap siht evomer uoy fI .txetnoc siht ni dilav ton si tla retemarap eht tub "tcerroc" 002 si esnopser eht eroferehT .egarots lacol ruoy otni selif daolnwod ot ti esu ot elbissop ton s'ti ,edis-revres a no snur tpircS sppA ecnis tuB metadata of the file. ”
“ eht esu ro ,retemarap kniLtnetnoCbew eht gnisu yb tnetnoc yranib eht teg nac uoY Export method to retrieve the text of the Doc if you are using a text file. Remember to use the mimeType text/plain. If you have any other question regarding the use of the API, please head over using the tag [google-drive-api]. ”
“ noitatnemucod eht sa elif eht fo tnetnoc yranib eht nruter dluohs ({"aidem":tla},dIelif)teg.seliF.evirD
,stroper daerht siht fo pot eht no noitpircsed eussi eht sA :si melborp ehT says,
but when executing it on a Google Apps Script project, it instead throws an exception even though the error message does say Google Drive API returned response code 200 and the binary content of the file, which is what should be returned, is surely included in the error message. ”
“ :ppAhcteFLRU htiw sdnuorakrow laitnetop dna siht no tsop golb trohs a pu etorw I ”