Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> <> #3
Thanks for the report! <> #4
The release notes documentation has been edited to clarify this change in behavior for line height.
To support non-standard text sizes, we encourage users to follow the Material design system and use a different style = LocalTextStyle.current.copy(lineHeight = TextUnit.Unspecified)
, or create a custom Typography
Material recommends a touch target minimum of 48 x 48 dp for accessibility purposes:
Currently the size of components / their touch target is decided per component. For example, Button sets a min height of 36.dp, but there is no extra touch target affordance here. This means that this component is not accessible.
From a technical side, given that Ripple currently needs to be outside Clickable, it is also currently impossible to increase the touch target size for a bounded ripple, without also increasing the ripple size to no longer be bounded to the component.
We should:
a) Remove this technical limitation, presumably by waiting for ripple / input to become modifiers
b) Extract this touch target requirement into a re-usable component / modifier, such that all components (ours and external) can compose together this functionality, and automatically increase the touch target to the minimum
c) Expose global (ambient) configuration for this minimum, to allow for customization. For example, for pointer input (such as a Chromebook running an Android Compose app), the minimum should be 44 x 44 dp instead, and so the size of components should be adjusted on such a platform.