Status Update
Comments <> #2
We gave up upgrading to Room because we need to use FTS3/FTS4 virtual tables. Any plants to support it? <> #3
Florina Muntenescu (Android developer advocate at Google) told me that FTS support will definitely NOT be in Room 1.0 final. It is postponed to an indeterminate later version.
The output generated by the Room processor for this input won't compile, because the generated Java tries to "new" the object expression type:
@Database(entities = [FooEntity::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
internal abstract class FooDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun fooDao(): FooDao
@Entity(tableName = "foo")
data class FooEntity internal constructor(
@PrimaryKey val id: Int,
val proto: SomeProto
object FooTypeConverters {
fun toSomeProto(bytes: ByteArray): SomeProto {
return SomeProto.parseFrom(bytes)
fun toBytes(someProto: SomeProto): ByteArray {
return someProto.toByteArray()