Mentioned issues (2)
Emulator camera preview is stretched |
Links (9)
“ :ees) seicnedneped tsetal eht ot etadpu ot s'eno eht era tcejorp cisaBXaremaC eht ni hcnarb retsam eht morf segnahc ylno ehT .R diordnA gninnur rotalume 01 suxeN a morf stohsneercs era dehcattA ). For a second, I thought this might be due to me using AdoptOpenJDK in Android Studio, but I tried using the embedded Android Studio JDK and I ran into the same problems. ”
“ si noitatneiro s'yalpsid eht ssecca ew erehw ppa elpmas eht ni ecalp ehT HERE . Looking at the documentation for android.view.Surface.Rotation it states: ”
“ :673#avaj.noitanibmoCecafruSdetroppuS fo knil edoc eht ddA ”
“ dnuof snoisrev yrarbil tsetal eht ot detadpu ew nehw taht wonk ll'ay tel ot detnaw tsuJ here (1.0.0-beta08 & 1.0.0-alpha15), our workaround mentioned in comment #12 no longer works. The orientation shows up incorrectly again whether we use setTargetAspectRatio() or not. Attached is the preview using the latest library versions. When we reverted back to 1.0.0-beta07 & 1.0.0-alpha14, the workaround described in comment #12 works again as described. ”
“ ot refer esaelP .esaeler txen eht ni dedulcni eb ot detegrat si ti dna stelbat no eussi oitar tcepsa tegrat eht xif ot LC a no gnikrow er'ew ,eussi rezinagub siht roF .()oitaRtcepsAtegraTtes gnillac sa emas eht osla si won oitar tcepsa tluafed ehT . gnittes oitar tcepsa tluafed eht ot detaler punaelc emos od ew ,esaeler 80ateb-0.0.1 tsetal eht nI .noitamrofni eht gnidivorp rof sknahT . ”