Links (7)
“ ) ereh dnuof noitpircsed dna eman lufgninaem sti ot desoppo sA ) roles/container.clusterViewer predefined role provides not enough permissions to see clusters in a GCP project. ”
“ roles/container.clusterViewer contains four permissions as below: ”
“ ni dnammoc woleb nur ot elba dluohs noissimrep siht sah resu yna fi eroferehT .retsulc eht fo noitpircsed eht kcehc dna sretsulc eht nwod tsil ot hguone si elor siht suhT
teg.sretsulc.reniatnoc cloud shell ”
“ $ gcloud container clusters list
[$ gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER-NAME] --zone [CLUSTER-ZONE]] ( ”
“ ) [[ENOZ-RETSULC] enoz-- [EMAN-RETSULC] ebircsed sretsulc reniatnoc duolcg $]
tsil sretsulc reniatnoc duolcg $ ) ”
“ ot uoy dnemmocer dluow i noissimrep laminim htiw gniyrt era uoy sa dna .elosnoc morf kcehc ot sresu elbane ot tnaw uoy taht dnatsrednu I create an custom role with below permissions might satisfy your needs. ”
“ setenrebuK eht no ssecca reweiv resu a tnarg ton seod "reweiVretsulc.reniatnoc/selor" elor eht taht deifirev evah I UI page . Therefore I have forwarded this report to the IAM team as a feature request to improve the role. The improvement should grant viewer access to the Kubernetes Engine console page and not only to grant viewer access to GKE resources through API calls. There is no ETA at the moment. However, you can upvote this request by starring the report. Thank you for creating this report, and I hope the above workaround helps. ”