Status Update
Comments <> #3
Thank you for the quick fix.
Is there an ETA for the next release?
Is there an ETA for the next release? <> #4
2.2.0-rc01 should be out this week. <> #5
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit a1957df3709a06f4e6482fb0e4d39ded4f230a70
Author: Rahul Ravikumar <>
Date: Mon Jul 29 09:48:05 2019
Workaround NPE in PersistableBundle.getExtras().
Test: Existing unit tests pass. Ran integration test app.
Fixes: b/138441699
Change-Id: I0b48e0009a7d83c343a3d26112b94c057470c281
M work/workmanager/src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit a1957df3709a06f4e6482fb0e4d39ded4f230a70
Author: Rahul Ravikumar <>
Date: Mon Jul 29 09:48:05 2019
Workaround NPE in PersistableBundle.getExtras().
Test: Existing unit tests pass. Ran integration test app.
Change-Id: I0b48e0009a7d83c343a3d26112b94c057470c281
M work/workmanager/src/main/java/androidx/work/impl/background/systemjob/ <> #6 <> #8
The fix will go out as part of 2.4.0-alpha02
Version used: 2.3.4
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android Studio
On the latest version getting the following lint error this issue does not occur on 2.3.3. All of my periodic jobs intervals are at least 30 minutes.
message="Unexpected failure during lint analysis of (this is a bug in lint or one of the libraries it depends on)

Message: null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Long

The crash seems to involve the detector ``.
You can try disabling it with something like this:
 android {
 lintOptions {
 disable "InvalidPeriodicWorkRequestInterval"

Stack: `TypeCastException:InvalidPeriodicWorkRequestIntervalDetector.visitConstructor(InvalidPeriodicWorkRequestIntervalDetector.kt:70)←UElementVisitor$DelegatingPsiVisitor.visitNewExpression(UElementVisitor.kt:1099)←UElementVisitor$DelegatingPsiVisitor.visitCallExpression(UElementVisitor.kt:1063)←UCallExpression$DefaultImpls.accept(UCallExpression.kt:99)←UCallExpressionEx$DefaultImpls.accept(UCallExpression.kt:-1)←JavaConstructorUCallExpression.accept(javaUCallExpressions.kt:123)←UQualifiedReferenceExpression$DefaultImpls.accept(UQualifiedReferenceExpression.kt:47)←JavaUCompositeQualifiedExpression.accept(JavaUCompositeQualifiedExpression.kt:23)`

You can set environment variable `LINT_PRINT_STACKTRACE=true` to dump a full stacktrace to stdout."
summary="Lint Failure"
explanation="This issue type represents a problem running lint itself. Examples include failure to find bytecode for source files (which means certain detectors could not be run), parsing errors in lint configuration files, etc.

These errors are not errors in your own code, but they are shown to make it clear that some checks were not completed.">
Sample Code:
workRequest = new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(CustomWorker.class, workerType.interval, workerType.timeUnit).build();
workManager.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(workerType.uniqueName, workerType.workPolicy, workRequest);
public enum PeriodicWorkerType {
PERIODIC_JOB("PERIODIC_JOB_V1", 30, TimeUnit.Minutes, ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP),
public final String uniqueName;
public final long interval;
public final TimeUnit timeUnit;
public final ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy workPolicy;
PeriodicWorkerType(String uniqueName, long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy workPolicy) {
this.uniqueName = uniqueName;
this.interval = interval;
this.timeUnit = timeUnit;
this.workPolicy = workPolicy;
If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach:
- Sample project to trigger the issue.
- A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).