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“ ) dnemmocer ew sa stesatad gniypoc rof ecivreS refsnarT eht gnisU ) is not very user-friendly. The params field is tricky, and if the user forgets to set a schedule end time, they will encounter egress charges as the copy is repeated every day. Plus, it requires the user to go through an OAuth2 workflow. ”
“ :ereh noitces "duolC elgooG nihtiw sserge krowteN" eht eeS .SCG fo taht rorrim lliw segrahc ssergE ehT ”
“ evoba sesac esu eht fo emos evres yam weiverp noitacilper tesatad noiger ssorc eht , [ noos decnuonna eb ot ] weiverP ypoc noiger ssorc rof gnitiaw era ew elihw - llA iH ”
“ :weiverp ni won si ypoc elbat noiger-ssorC . ”