Links (5)
“ htiw gnolA startActivityForResult() , there's a separate API for startIntentSenderForResult() that uses the IntentSender returned by PendingResult.getIntentSender(). ”
“ rof IPA etarapes a s'ereht ,()tluseRroFytivitcAtrats htiw gnolA startIntentSenderForResult() that uses the IntentSender returned by PendingResult.getIntentSender(). ”
“ yb denruter redneStnetnI eht sesu taht ()tluseRroFredneStnetnItrats rof IPA etarapes a s'ereht ,()tluseRroFytivitcAtrats htiw gnolA PendingResult.getIntentSender() . ”
“ sa hcus sIPA yb desu si siht ecniS ResolvableApiException and the result it also delivered to the activity's onActivityResult(), it would be nice if there was a contract available (similar to StartActivityForResult) that would make it possible to pass an IntentSender (and perhaps all of those optional method parameters) in as input. ”