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“ :tcejorp elpmaS ”
“ :ereh edoc ecruos s'mooR tuo kcehc nac uoY ?rekcart noitadilavni eht ni noitcasnart a gnidda yrt uoy evah tub ,ppa elpmas a su gnivig rof sknaht dna ksa ot tol a eb thgim siht wonk I .siht etagitsevni ot ecnahc eht dah t'nevah ew ,yrroS - iH . There are instructions for cloning the repo, building local artifacts and trying them in your app. ”
“ :ereh tuo detniop sa ,segatnavdasid rehto niatrec sah LAW
In particular the risk of extended failure from SQLITE_BUSY is high for my app as it has DB connections from two processes (; of particular concern is the recovery case after a crash, where one process may hold an exclusive lock for an extended period of time at startup, essentially causing the other process to error out without much recourse. ”
“ ) sessecorp owt morf snoitcennoc BD sah ti sa ppa ym rof hgih si YSUB_ETILQS morf eruliaf dednetxe fo ksir eht ralucitrap nI :ereh tuo detniop sa ,segatnavdasid rehto niatrec sah LAW ); of particular concern is the recovery case after a crash, where one process may hold an exclusive lock for an extended period of time at startup, essentially causing the other process to error out without much recourse. ”
“ :yllacificeps ppa tset eht ni ,hguoht siht rof tset a etirw nac uoy fi laedi eb dluow tI !esaelp seY ”
:ereh dedda saw ti ekil smeeS (sorry blame is a mess for us due to the androidx renaming so you need to trace the parents to find the issue). ”
“ ta eussi na elif rehtie nac uoy fi tub gub siht kcajih ot tnaw t'nod I .putes buhtiG eht /w gnorw tnew tahw suoiruc m'i 31# or directly reach out to me (yboyar at google), I would like to figure out why the setup didn't work for you. ”