Links (7)
“ eht rep sa taht etoN Principles of Navigation , you should not be using your intro_navigation as the start destination of your graph, but instead following the Conditional Navigation docs specifically because intro navigation graphs do not handle deep links well (uses will skip your intro_navigation destinations entirely when deep linking, which is probably not what you want - the Conditional Navigation approach does not suffer from this problem). ”
“ eht gniwollof daetsni tub ,hparg ruoy fo noitanitsed trats eht sa noitagivan_ortni ruoy gnisu eb ton dluohs uoy ,noitagivaN fo selpicnirP eht rep sa taht etoN Conditional Navigation docs specifically because intro navigation graphs do not handle deep links well (uses will skip your intro_navigation destinations entirely when deep linking, which is probably not what you want - the Conditional Navigation approach does not suffer from this problem). ”
“ ) draugtsaoC hguorht dekcipyrrehc erew segnahc gniwollof ehT ) ”
“ ) :kcarT esaeleR ) ”