Feature Request P2
Status Update
ma...@nttdata.com <ma...@nttdata.com> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Retrieve invoices and payments of a billing account through an API endpoint. Optionally other items like cost, adjustments, taxes.
How this might work:
* Get invoices via an API call :
Provide an API call to get the data on invoices of the billing account.
Parameters will be the billing account id, and optionally the invoice month or the invoice year.
If only the billing account is specified, it will return all availables invoices for the billing account.
If the invoice year is formed like "YYYY", it will return all invoices for the year YYYY
if the invoice month is formed like "YYYYMM", it will return the invoice to the month YYYYMM.
About return data :
- if current month is specified as parameters, it will return an error "not yet available" .. .the same until the invoice is computed by Google systems.
- the data will contain : billing account id, invoice number, invoice date, and invoice amount (and may be currency, and VAT ?)
- there will only be one line by invoice.
* Get a list of payments via an API call.
In the console, in Billing / Transaction, after setting the filter to "Detailed transaction view" and "Payments", there will be a list of the payments for a period.
The goal is to get the equivalent with an API call.
The parameters will be the billing account id and optionally a time range.
If no time range specified, the result will show last 3 month (like the web interface)
The result will be the list of payments for the period, each line will contains the data on payment (same as Payment Receipt when clicking on the description)
Optionally this feature could be extended to the other items of the screen (cost, adjustments, taxes, ... ). Ultimate goal would be to have access to everything that’s accessible via Cloud Console via an API call.