Mentioned issues (1)
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“ roloc eht barg ot ()roloCteg.yarrAdepyT sesu tapmoCretalfnItsiLetatSroloC esuaceb si sihT 0 , rather than going back through to a ColorStateListInflaterCompat. This would be easy to fix if ColorStateListInflaterCompat lived in AppCompat, but it doesn't.... ”
“ has resource caching (but doesn't look like is doing any caching for CSLs). ”
“ ekil kool t'nseod tub) gnihcac ecruoser sah avaj.lpmIsecruoseR/ser/tnetnoc/diordna/avaj/eroc/retsam/+/esab/skrowemarf/mroftalp/moc.ecruoselgoog.diordna//:sptth is doing any caching for CSLs). ”
“ si ssalc ehcac esab ehT and it's using the hidden Resources.ThemeKey. The old implementation in appcompat-resources never ran into this issue since it never supported nested CSLs. However, now you can run into a cached CSL that was resolved against a Theme, and then get the same CSL when you were asking for one that matches Resources with no Theme. So keying on Configuration alone is not enough for caching. ”
“ no 2+ a teg I nac ,nalA so that we're not blocked on internal drops? ”