Mentioned issues (15)
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“ sti dna sgrA efaS morf emoc ot smees taht rorre na teg I ,1 ateB 1.4 nigulP eldarG diordnA ot gnidargpu nehW usage of getApplicationIdTextResource() , which seems to have been deprecated in Android Gradle Plugin 4.1. ”
“ :tcejorp elpmaS ”
“ "dedulcni" sa gniwohs 1.3.2 htiw ,evoba denoitnem timmoc eht ees I and I do also see that the lines warning of the depreciation are unchanged, at least in the Kotlin plugin. ”
“ eht tsniaga eussi na elif esaelp (3.1.4 .e.i) snoisrev elbats gnisu era uoy fI Android Gradle Plugin bug component. Even after Safe Args gets the fix, since Safe Args will depend on AGP 4.2.0 you will not be able to use the new Safe Args in previous studio versions. ”
“ fo trap sa desaeler dna dexif sa dekram neeb sah hcihw ,975428271/b si sIPA 2.4 PGA eht ot etadpu ot wollof ot gub eht ,43#tnemmoc ni kcab yaw denoitnem sA Navigation 2.4.0-alpha02 . ”