Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
This isn't fixed in alpha 6 :(. It's easily reproducible by starting a drag with one finger and then tapping somewhere else (think back button) which calls clearSelection(). <> #4
Fix is in the works. Until then, a workaround is to avoid calling SelectionTracker#clearSelection while a gesture or mouse-band selection operation is in progress. Such a condition is likely not reflective of user intent (given the ongoing stream of selection operation), but reflective of a stray tap.
State can be monitored using OperationMonitor:
State can be monitored using OperationMonitor: <> #5
BTW, working on a fix for this (general improvement to state management). My unassigning this issue from me should not be construed as lack of attention to the matter. I just manage issues by hotlist (rather than ownership). <> #6
Rolling all state-related crash reports up into a single tracking bug.
android version:8.1.0
recyclerView- support.v7-28.0.0
I try to update item count in RecyclerView (use StaggeredGridLayoutManager),which step is change the dataSet and invoke Adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(int ,int) (notifyDataSetChanged will no crash but i can't use is because the staggere layout may be dislocated).This step can be invoked many times depends on http response(a http response will insert some items ,we invoke many times http request).Sometimes the application will crash but we have no idea why it is crash. The crash stack like this(full stack to see the file)
please tell me the solution to solve this problem and what is the
,thanks very much.