Status Update
Comments <> <> #2 <> #3
> We accept pull requests! :)
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in , and it doesn't seem to be inside .
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request.
Is there a public repo somewhere? I don't see any obvious repo for it in
Room supports final fields (yay!), which probably will suffice for many people with respect to this feature request. <> #4
Room supports immutability (it can use arg constructors) but does not directly support AutoValue. It is in the schedule but not high priority :/. Idk much about its internals at this stage so I'm not sure how we would implement it but should be totally doable.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/.
Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/. <> #5
"It is in the schedule but not high priority" -- completely understandable.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
"Sorry we don't have the source release yet :/." -- ah, OK, I thought perhaps with the pull request comment, that meant that there was a repo somewhere that I had overlooked.
Thanks! <> #6
Add autovalue support also means you can easily achieve parcelable by . Please consider support this. <> #7
AutoValue is really a handy way to ensure data integrity.
android version:8.1.0
recyclerView- support.v7-28.0.0
I try to update item count in RecyclerView (use StaggeredGridLayoutManager),which step is change the dataSet and invoke Adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(int ,int) (notifyDataSetChanged will no crash but i can't use is because the staggere layout may be dislocated).This step can be invoked many times depends on http response(a http response will insert some items ,we invoke many times http request).Sometimes the application will crash but we have no idea why it is crash. The crash stack like this(full stack to see the file)
please tell me the solution to solve this problem and what is the
,thanks very much.