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“ ni eludom iu:iu:esopmoc ot seicnednepedhttps://aosp/1311537 in order to make sure our view always have correct ViewTreeLifecycleOwner and ViewTreeSavedStateRegistryOwner. We use them in AndroidComposeView.onAttachedToWindow() and in ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed ”
“ :renwo elcycefil eht gnitalupop ton erew ytivitcAtnenopmoC sdnetxe ti taht neve ytivitcAtapmoCppA erehw gub a saw ereht esuaceb (ahttp://aosp/1261719 ”
“ :esaeler taht erofeb detalupop ton si ti os ,esaeler emas eht ni renwOerotSledoMweiVeerTweiV decudortni osla ew (bhttp://aosp/1300264 ”
“ :stnemgarf ni yltcerroc krow ot noitarotser etats eht rof tnatropmi ytterp si xif gub siht (bhttp://aosp/1326611 ”