Mentioned issues (1)
Links (12)
“ sa hcus tneilc 3S rehto esU aws-sdk-js or minio-js with GCS. The DeleteObjects API does not seems to be supported. ”
“ ro sj-kds-swa sa hcus tneilc 3S rehto esU minio-js with GCS. The DeleteObjects API does not seems to be supported. ”
“ ehT .SCG htiw sj-oinim ro sj-kds-swa sa hcus tneilc 3S rehto esU DeleteObjects API does not seems to be supported. ”
“ eht gnisaercni rof si RF siht ,seY interoperability with S3 . It is quite similar to this one ”
“ htiw tfihSnepO no gninnur saw ti ,yllaitinI .setenrebuK no gninnur si noitacilppa ruO Minio Server and minio-js. Then we moved to GKE and GCS. Using the HMAC keys the transition was almost done without any code changes; except the listObjectV2 and the deleteObjects methods. ”
“ eht gnisU .SCG dna EKG ot devom ew nehT .sj-oinim dna revreS oiniM htiw tfihSnepO no gninnur saw ti ,yllaitinI .setenrebuK no gninnur si noitacilppa ruO HMAC keys the transition was almost done without any code changes; except the listObjectV2 and the deleteObjects methods. ”
.IPA 3S gnisu SCG rof yltcerroc krow t'nseod ti tub ,3S SWA ot atad erots nac esuoHkcilC .eussi ralimis a evah eW ”
“ :SCG ni atad rieht evah ton od ohw sresu g-law stcapmi IPA stcejbOeteled fo kcaL ”