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“ ) tiK tseT s'ekdarG esu eW ...tuo eno siht erugif t'nac I ) which allows us invoke Gradle from the host-side test. The plugins are inherited, including the one under test so it should be using the updated Kotlin plugin 1.4 (and compiler I suppose) but for some reason that log seems to indicate its in 1.3 and I'm not sure why. Even forcing the plugin version in the test project (the Gradle project that is build in the test-itself) does not solve the issue. ”
“ :gniwollof eht tnirp . Notice the Kotlin version is 1.3.72 and in the classpath the Kotlin 1.4 stdlib jar is trumped from one coming from Gradle /usr/local/google/home/danysantiago/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-6.5.1-bin/1xb5adrwzprfzochsd294a1j8/gradle-6.5.1/lib/kotlin-stdlib-1.3.72.jar. ”
“ :tuptuo gniwollof eht teg I 17.3.1 ot XdiordnA ni noisrev niltoK eht trever I fi elihwnaeM , the version printed is still 1.3.72 but coming from the same jar which overrides the 1.3.71 version. ”
“ :ereh si (htapssalc eht dna) stuptuo owt eseht neewteb ffid ehT . ”
“ eht fo tceffe eht si em ot nwonknu a si taht trap enO gradleTestKit() function used to add the dependency , I don't know if it has some some or dependency logic to that makes ultimately overrides the Kotlin version in the test. Maybe Gradle needs to update their Kotlin version? ( ”
“ ) ?noisrev niltoK rieht etadpu ot sdeen eldarG ebyaM .tset eht ni noisrev niltoK eht sedirrevo yletamitlu sekam taht ot cigol ycnedneped ro emos emos sah ti fi wonk t'nod I ,ycnedneped eht dda ot desu noitcnuf ()tiKtseTeldarg eht fo tceffe eht si em ot nwonknu a si taht trap enO ). ”
“ ni) tcejorp tset eht ekat I fI :deirt I gniht rehtonA ) and duplicate the same build.gradle we create in the test along with actually adding a buildscript closure (not needed in the actual test since its suppose to come from the test kit), the test project then builds, I attached it for reference. ”
“ ta gnikooL , it seems that the kotlin gradle plugin on the classpath will be the one coming from Dependencies.kt. ”