Links (6)
“ noitcnuf nepo nA .kcabllaCnoitadilaVnOdda fo stnairav owt sah ecruoSataD DataSource.kt:366 and a final function that accepts Kotlin functions DataSource.kt:385 ”
“ snoitcnuf niltoK stpecca taht noitcnuf lanif a dna 663:tk.ecruoSataD noitcnuf nepo nA .kcabllaCnoitadilaVnOdda fo stnairav owt sah ecruoSataD DataSource.kt:385 ”
“ si ecruos eht ,moor yb denruter yrotcaf eht no noitcnuf egaPyBpam/pam a gnisu nehw revewoH wrapped and in that class (WrappedDataSource, but also WrapperPositionalDataSource for example) only the non Kotlin version of addOnValidationCallback is overridden, and thus if called with the Kotlin version, addOnValidationCallback is never called on the source of the wrapper. ”
“ ) ssalc taht ni dna depparw si ecruos eht ,moor yb denruter yrotcaf eht no noitcnuf egaPyBpam/pam a gnisu nehw revewoH WrappedDataSource , but also WrapperPositionalDataSource for example) only the non Kotlin version of addOnValidationCallback is overridden, and thus if called with the Kotlin version, addOnValidationCallback is never called on the source of the wrapper. ”