Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hi. Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in alpha-04 <> #3
Branch: androidx-main
commit e782987543a9f8ccd485e970ddc74564b24378db
Author: Vighnesh Raut <>
Date: Mon Jan 02 15:27:40 2023
fix: tab row crashes when only 1 tab is added
Test: Added unit test
Change-Id: I6381dbac304fc1d69d3708c6655f8b595668e93f
M tv/tv-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRowTest.kt
M tv/tv-material/src/main/java/androidx/tv/material/TabRow.kt <> #4 <> #5
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed: <> #6 <> #7
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit 338af8a6b3d6a936d06e55720d66133d36df9283
Author: yingleiw <>
Date: Tue Aug 25 14:11:55 2020
Revert "Notify accessibility when semantics node bounds change"
This reverts commit cd4dadf83390f9ecf50e22ff03f21fdafa4bd504.
Reason for revert:
Relnote: remove callback to notify Owner when layoutnode bounds change.
Test: tested manually.
Change-Id: If654ebfbf711c9a7f6bcddb28673e4b6f786d05b
M compose/ui/ui/api/current.txt
M compose/ui/ui/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M compose/ui/ui/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/ui/ui/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/input/pointer/PointerInputEventProcessorTest.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidComposeView.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/node/LayoutNodeWrapper.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/node/Owner.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/desktopMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/platform/DesktopOwner.kt
M compose/ui/ui/src/test/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/node/LayoutNodeTest.kt <> <> #8
I got errors sending out accessibility events for
./gradlew :compose:integration-tests:benchmark:connectedCheck -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=androidx.ui.benchmark.test.TextInColumnBenchmark#toggleRectangleColor_measure
Also, for the following result:
2020-08-26 13:25:25.041 22776-22796/? I/Benchmark: TextInColumnBenchmark.toggleRectangleColor_measure[100][Stats for timeNs: median 10747475, min 9314063, max 12672410, mean 1.087254574E7, standardDeviation: 991142.0110795262, Stats for allocationCount: median 12761, min 12761, max 12761, mean 12761.0, standardDeviation: 0.0]count=4
What does this 100 means?
I also see this 100 in the dash board:
Thanks! <> #9
100 is a parameterization argument - see
In that benchmark, it's the number of columns, and run with both values there. For local debugging, you can comment out 10
so you only see the results for 100
Do the benchmark tests have accessibility manager enabled? (if using ui automator, then accessibility manager is enabled)
I don't expect they'd use UI automator - they're pretty standard instrumentation tests, but it's possible some infrastructure is using ui automator, or enabling the accessibility manager. Can you check while running locally? <> #10
So I suppose the benchmarks (at least the TextInColumnBenchmark#toggleRectangleColor_measure) have accessibility manage enabled.
From my current runs, I see the performance degradation is in AndroidAccessibilityDelegateCompatCompat, not in LayoutNodeWrapper (finding the outer semantics).
So it is the building semantic tree and sending too many events caused this. <> #11
Can you try running a more minimal benchmark, and see if the accessibility manager is enabled? E.g. benchmark-benchmark
(note, not part of compose project, have to use frameworks/support/
I'm also curious if it's enabled in standard simple instrumentation tests out of the box (e.g. new empty project in studio, run test there). <> #12 <> #13
Also, since this benchmark doesn't trigger any view construction, I need to manually log the accessibility manager which needs the context. I see two ways:
one is in ViewInflationBenchmark (
I'm not sure which is the correct one, but I can test both if I can run the benchmark correctly. <> #14
fun testTwelveKeyInflate() {
val context: Context = activityRule.activity
val accessibilityManager: AccessibilityManager = context.getSystemService(Context
.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE) as AccessibilityManager
Log.v("yinglei", "accessibility manager basic ${accessibilityManager.isEnabled}")
val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context)
val root = FrameLayout(context)
benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {
inflater.inflate(R.layout.twelve_key_entry, root, false)
The log shows accessibility manager is enabled <> #15 <> #16
@Phil, you mention shell commands will enable the accessibility manager:
- Does that mean any shell commands called by any test infra will turn on the accessibility manager?
- What will stop the accessibility manager? Does it stay enabled until the process dies?
- Is it expected that turning this on will cause performance degradation (from additional accessibility work) in UIs, due to additional accessibility work?
@Yinglei - appcompat-benchmark
is good simple test case, likely indicates every benchmark would have accessibility manager enabled, then. <> #17
I think we also want to measure performance with accessibility on for compose.
But for this bug, we do need to improve our accessibility code for performance. <> #18
Since as you might imagine, I'm fine turning on accessibility, I've never looked into other ways of issuing shell commands. So your infrastructure may well be using another path. But if it created a UiAutomation, it turns on accessibility.
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