Feature Request P2
Status Update
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com>
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com> #2
I tried adding screenshotTestImplementation(libs.androidx.window)
but it didn't fix it.
ph...@sprylab.com <ph...@sprylab.com> #3
This is likely a duplicate of libs.androidx.window
dependency to implementation
to see if it works?
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com> #4
Thanks for the feedback. We will discuss this internally and come back with a response.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #5 Restricted+
Comment has been deleted.
Original bug content:
Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson asked for developer feedback on the DevSummit 2018 - how Google could make the lives of developers easier all around. I acknowledge that there is for example a lot of investment from Google in the testing area lately, and I love to see that.
However, one area where things fall a little short is third-party tooling, for example for code coverage. I know the Android Build Tooling uses JaCoCo for quite some time (after switching from EclEmma), but this project has quite some problems keeping up with the speed that the Android / Kotlin ecosystem moves, resulting in quite a few issues (e.g. [reified] inline functions aren't properly processed when they reside in different Gradle modules and result in build / runtime issues, line numbers for coverage reports are sometimes off, Kotlin features that automatically generate new code aren't always recognized and therefor show up as "uncovered" code in coverage reports, and many, many more). Also, I miss support in Jacoco for advanced features, like the generation of coverage difference reports, which are currently provided by commercial third-party online tools that integrate into GitHub for example.
I know all of these things cannot and should not be fixed by one party alone, but eventually I'd really love to see somebody reaching out from the Kotlin Foundation (be it Google or JetBrains or somebody else) to pick up these things and support the community-driven JaCoCo project to address these issues.
We are creating separate bug in context of the below statement
> inline functions aren't properly processed when they reside in different Gradle modules and result in build / runtime issues, line numbers for coverage reports are sometimes off
Since this is based on build tool, hence we are requesting Android Studio team for initial inputs.