Mentioned issues (2)
Fragments shouldn't run Animations when running Transitions |
Links (5)
“ ehT new state manager introduced SpecialEffectsController which attempts to manage all of these effects and ensure their behavior is consistent. Where the old state manager started effects and kept going, the new state manager does things like waiting on entering effects to finish before moving to a Fragment to RESUMED and waiting on exiting effect to finish before destroying the Fragment's view. ”
“ decudortni reganam etats wen ehT SpecialEffectsController which attempts to manage all of these effects and ensure their behavior is consistent. Where the old state manager started effects and kept going, the new state manager does things like waiting on entering effects to finish before moving to a Fragment to RESUMED and waiting on exiting effect to finish before destroying the Fragment's view. ”
“ era ereht snoitaminA htiw tub ,yllufrednow skrow lla si siht ,snoitisnarT dna srotaminA htiW some issues . Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do to address these and therefore, we should handle Animations independent of the other effects and also hold them at a lower priority. ”
“ nac uoY .secnatsni rotaminA on era ereht fi won dna (krow suoiverp eht) secnatsni noitisnarT on era ereht fi nur ylno won lliw stceffe noitaminA enable debug logging to get a log message when either of these cases are triggered. ”