Status Update
Comments <> #2
We have some support in androidx.compose.ui.autofill
Leaving this bug open in case Ralston wants to add more info <> #3
I found an example
D/Autofill Status: Autofill popup isn't shown because autofill is not available.
Did you set up autofill?
1. Go to Settings > System > Languages&input > Advanced > Autofill Service
2. Pick a service
Did you add an account?
1. Go to Settings > System > Languages&input > Advanced
2. Click on the settings icon next to the Autofill Service
3. Add your account
Is this a bug on your side or do the app developers of these password managers need to change their implementation?
LazyColumnFor(items) {
Text("$it", Modifier.background(Color.Red))
We scroll such list few pixels(no new items composed as a result)
Draw performance is: 124397 ns
Now we add a layer
LazyColumnFor(items) {
Text("$it", Modifier.drawLayer().background(Color.Red))
Draw performance is: 63371 ns (50% less)
Use case 2
LazyColumnFor(items) {
var color by remember { mutableStateOf(Color.Red) }
Text("$it", Modifier.clickable(indication = null) {
color = Color.Green
}.drawBehind {
Invalidating only one item:
Without layers on each item: 1137259 ns
With layers: 113771 ns (90% less).
We should have a way for a layouts to insert layers for children