While using Dialogflow with telephony providers, the following small input phrases are not recognized when using “es-es” language configuration:
- “Sí” -”No”
This issue seems to be related to Speech To Text service when not recognizing the input phrases, leading timeouts in the Dialogflow implementation side.
It is important to note that the same small input phrases are recognized using the “es-mx” language, nonetheless, it is rather desired to use "es-es" as other language configurations could generate understanding issues related to the pronunciation between the two language varieties.
In addition, it has been identified that larger phrases such as "Sí, claro", "Si, de acuerdo", "Si, gracias" are recognized by the Speech to Text API, without problem when using "es-es" configuration.
What you expected to happen:
It is expected to recognize the small input phrases to its translation in the desired language, for example:
- “Sí” to “Yes” - “No” to “No”
Steps to reproduce:
- Set the Dialogflow agent language to “es-es” - Try to detect small input phrases by using an audio file through the Dialogflow Console or any speech integration [1]
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
- Use larger phrases that help the API to recognize the input. - Use language configuration alternatives, such as “es-mx” language.
Problem you have encountered:
While using Dialogflow with telephony providers, the following small input phrases are not recognized when using “es-es” language configuration:
- “Sí”
This issue seems to be related to Speech To Text service when not recognizing the input phrases, leading timeouts in the Dialogflow implementation side.
It is important to note that the same small input phrases are recognized using the “es-mx” language, nonetheless, it is rather desired to use "es-es" as other language configurations could generate understanding issues related to the pronunciation between the two language varieties.
In addition, it has been identified that larger phrases such as "Sí, claro", "Si, de acuerdo", "Si, gracias" are recognized by the Speech to Text API, without problem when using "es-es" configuration.
What you expected to happen:
It is expected to recognize the small input phrases to its translation in the desired language, for example:
- “Sí” to “Yes”
- “No” to “No”
Steps to reproduce:
- Set the Dialogflow agent language to “es-es”
- Try to detect small input phrases by using an audio file through the Dialogflow Console or any speech integration [1]
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
- Use larger phrases that help the API to recognize the input.
- Use language configuration alternatives, such as “es-mx” language.