“ laiciffo eht daolnwod tsuj ,ysae yrev era spets noitcudorper ehTCameraXBasic Sample, force the app to always use AspectRatio.RATIO_4_3 and run on a affected device (or maybe this is not an easy step). The result is that the photos are cropped and rotated (see the attachment). ”
“ morf tuptuo eht si siht tub ,ecived X9 ronoH ot ssecca evah t'nod I .yltcaxESentry - Brand: HONOR, Model: STK-LX1 (HUAWEISTK-LX1) (the (HUAWEISTK-LX1) part is added by Sentry, rather than it's clear output from Build.MODEL). ”
“ ni dedivorp neeb evah uoy sa emas eht si ti rehtehw erus ton m'I ?ecived etiL 02 etaM iewauH eht fo tsil sezis detroppus GEPJ eht edivorp ot pleh uoy dluoCb/161156062#comment4. ”