Status Update
Comments <> #2
First of all thanks for this detailed issue.
This issue had been investigated thoroughly when it was first reported internally. The surprising detail in this report is that the issue is not reproducible before 1.7
. I will look into this.
The main problem with POBox is the fact that it is deprecated. Since 2021 Sony has been shipping new Xperia devices with Gboard pre-installed. Although we are aware that there is still a considerable amount of users still using POBox, the described behavior is caused by POBox's noncompliant behavior with InputConnection
and InputMethodManager
documentation. However, this is understandable since TextView
implementation was also not respecting the behavior that is expected from Editors.
Ultimately we have decided to enforce the documented behavior with specifically regards to when editors should call InputMethodManager.updateSelection
. Also, although unconfirmed, there were traces of possible custom code being included in Sony OEM images that changed how InputMethodManager was notified from TextView. If POBox also depended on something like this, it would be impossible for Compose code to replicate the same unknown behavior. <> #3
Or is that option not available?
Even if the root cause is POBox, from the perspective of the app's customers, it looks like an app bug, so this issue is a blocker against updating Jetpack Compose. <> #4
Just to be sure, it is dangerous to replace Compose TextField with Android View EditText as a workaround for this issue.
Compose 1.7 has a bug that causes ANR when the focus is on EditText.
Another View-related bug in Compose 1.7 is that an Android View is focused by calling FocusManager.clearFocus().
Perhaps there is a lack of testing of Compose 1.7 in combination with Android View. There is also a possibility that there are other fatal bugs related to View.
In other words, the only options for apps targeting the Japanese market that require POBox support are to continue using Compose 1.6 or to use EditText in combination with various workarounds. <> #5
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Halil Ozercan <
Fix POBox keyboard issue
Expand for full commit details
Fix POBox keyboard issue
Fix: 373743376
Fix: 329209241
Test: NullableInputConnectionWrapperTest
Change-Id: I94e0e598274fb88b255f977f9fbd50dfbbb1ecb1
- M
- M
Hash: 57f58c4b80d5d8470b2aca325dfdcd55f235231e
Date: Thu Oct 24 01:25:20 2024 <> #6
Many thanks again for this report. Especially for giving us a huge clue in terms of what could be going wrong. The fix is now merged and I will ask for a cherry-pick into a stable release. <> #7
Do you have any concrete plan to cherry-pick the fix into current stable version (1.7.x)? We are currently waiting it. <> #8
Yes, this fix is planned to be included in a future 1.7.x
release. <> #9
Thanks for the fix. Sorry to follow up on this. is it possible for you to share specific release version/date for the stable version? We are waiting on this to decide on our direction. <> #10
Will there ever be support for Android 11 and below?
Stretch effect overscroll will be supported only for android 12 and above. For versions prior to that, the original glow edge overscroll will be shown.
This is done by design, so that overscroll in every app will feel the same, leaving users with the feel of consistency.
I hope that makes sense. <> #11 <> #12
This looks broken indeed. I believe this should not happen if you are using latest snapshot where we properly support stretch effect. Could you share more information about this sample's setup? Compose version, code with snippet (is it LazyColumn, Modifier.verticalScroll or your own Modifier.scrollable) and any other relevant info.
Thanks. <> #13
I used LazyColumn in compose_version = '1.1.0-alpha03'
. I just created a brand new project to test this, still the same issue. I am attaching android version,build number... if that helps.
//code snippet
fun ScreenMain() {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
content = {
items(30) {
RowItem(number = it)
fun RowItem(number: Int) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(all = 8.dp)
.border(width = 1.dp, color = Color.Red),
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
) {
Text(text = "Row $number", color = Color.Black)
} <> #14
Thanks for additional info.
I tried this example in the emulator, pixel 3 and some various Samsungs, and I cannot reproduce the issue for some reason.
There's a version check that prohibits any kind of overscroll for S devices on 1.1.0-alpha03.
Could you please try a real phone with android S if you have some? Or a fresh emulator image?
Alternatively, you can turn off overscroll for now and wait for alpha04 where stretch overscroll for S devices will be fully supported. <> #15
Thanks for the reply. I reinstalled Android S Images and then created a new virtual device. Issue seems to be resolved now. Probably issue was with the S preview. <> #16
Oh, that makes sense as well, as some S previews had incomplete support for stretch in the RenderNode, so it might have been broken there.
I'm glad that everything is working well for you now! <> #17
Is the default material color correct for both light mode and dark mode? I see 0xff666666
hardcoded here:
But IIRC this color is themed using android:colorEdgeEffect
, for example here:
Might need to update MaterialTheme.kt
and the <> #18
Yup, you are right.
The default color is design system agnostic. Since we're waiting for API feedback - we cannot wire up foundation glow api with material just yet. It will be done as soon as we will graduate OverScrollConfiguration from experimental.
you can do it manually for now in your app.
On Android, over-scroll ripples show up by default on scrollable containers such as
. Internally they are implemented usingEdgeEffect
and their colors are typically customized in the application theme usingandroid:colorEdgeEffect
.I noticed this behavior does not seem to exist in Compose. It would be great if it could be supported to achieve parity with the traditional view system!
(I'm filing this under the
tracker because the default edge effect renders a ripple animation on Android, but I realize the scope of this likely falls under thefoundation
category as well).