Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Android build
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Device used
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Steps to reproduce
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Please provide sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
Android bug report capturing
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method
After reproducing the issue, navigate to “developer settings”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Screen capture of the issue
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in your gallery. Attach the screenshot file to this issue.
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Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. OPP1.170223.012)
Device used
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Steps to reproduce
What steps are needed to reproduce this issue?
Please provide sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
Android bug report capturing
After reproducing the issue, press the volume up, volume down, and power button simultaneously. This will capture a bug report on your device in the “bug reports” directory. Attach the bug report file to this issue.
Alternate method
After reproducing the issue, navigate to “developer settings”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power button and selecting the “Take bug report” option.
Screen capture of the issue
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in your gallery. Attach the screenshot file to this issue.
NOTE : To avoid leaking private information, please share screenshots and bugreports only in Google Drive. Share files with and include only Google drive links in your bug. Bug report attachments should not be included directly in issue reports. <> #4
Attached is a sample project that demonstrates the issue in two ways:
- when long pressing text (e.g. the headline)
- when opening a select
Both will ultimately load an alert dialog with a list adapter that has the layout ids for the content set to 0. (
This is reproducible on an API 21 emulator (Nexus 5 configuration, no Chrome installed).
NB There is a second issue when loading the web view in the first place which in this sample project is worked around by using a resource wrapper. This is already reported under and the attached project will also display this error when commenting out lines 13-15 in MainActivity.kt.
- when long pressing text (e.g. the headline)
- when opening a select
Both will ultimately load an alert dialog with a list adapter that has the layout ids for the content set to 0.
This is reproducible on an API 21 emulator (Nexus 5 configuration, no Chrome installed).
NB There is a second issue when loading the web view in the first place which in this sample project is worked around by using a resource wrapper. This is already reported under <> #5
Please take a look at this issue and provide your inputs. <> #6
Wrapping Resources is not supported by the framework and you must not create your own instances of Resources at all (the APIs to do so are now marked deprecated after they were accidentally exposed).
We can't do anything to fix this - you need to solve the underlying problem with appcompat and stop wrapping it like this, and then resources will work.
We can't do anything to fix this - you need to solve the underlying problem with appcompat and stop wrapping it like this, and then resources will work. <> #7
While I agree this is WontFIx from WebView's perspective (the WebView APK in question already shipped), it seems like this should still be considered a regression from appcompat's perspective, given the community can no longer test on lower-level emulators. We've received several unique user reports of this issue, not to mention the internal reports which led to filing issue 139710458 .
Surprisingly, issue 142086375 claims this bug repros on Marshmallow, which is something we haven't observed so far and doesn't fit into the current hypothesis:
> in Android 6.0 (API 23) it crashes on tapping the <select> element.
From issue 141132133 :
> This change is the root cause:
> sAlwaysOverrideConfiguration forces updating the Resources configuration and therby messing up the webview inflation on older devices.
Chis, any chance this checks out? I didn't look too closely into this, so I'm not sure if there are consequences to not overriding the configuration on L-M only, or perhaps further limited old WebView versions only.
> in Android 6.0 (API 23) it crashes on tapping the <select> element.
> This change is the root cause:
> sAlwaysOverrideConfiguration forces updating the Resources configuration and therby messing up the webview inflation on older devices.
Chis, any chance this checks out? I didn't look too closely into this, so I'm not sure if there are consequences to not overriding the configuration on L-M only, or perhaps further limited old WebView versions only. <> #8
Same problem appear simply by using a WebView on Android 5 / 5.1 (on actual devices, no emulator) with appcompat:1.1.0 directly causing a crash (on display, no interaction needed). <> #9
Dropping the priority of this, since there's no feasible fix for this.
I am using this BackButtonHandler based on a gist that Adam had shared earlier. I just started trying to use the navigation library in my app but I would still need this handler for taking care of some non-navigation use case. I see this error when I try to use this BackButtonHandler on a screen that was routed through the NavHostController
this is the handler in question
I started this slack thread for more context and the following discussion -
tldr; Ian Lake suggested that having something along the lines of a OnBackPressedDispatcherOwnerAmbient would be very useful.