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“ :ees ,erugifnoCno stnemelpmi taht repleh nepo na setaerc taht yrotcaf repleh nepo na ssap nac uoy tub erugifnoCno esopxe ton seod mooR , you probably also want to delegate to the default helper so when you build your factory use a FrameworkSQLiteOpenHelperFactory to create the helper to delegate to the other methods you're not interested on. Let me know if this helps. ”
“ smees ti noitatnemelpmi gnidnib s'krowemarf eht ta gnikool ,yllautcA every time a new connection is opened, the WAL auto checkpoint is configured which might explain why your PRAGMA is not working. Since Android and Room uses a shared pool of connections and wal_autocheckpoint is a per connection configuration, you essentially have to execute that PRAGMA before any query, since neither the framework or Room offers a callback for configuring an individual SQLiteConnection. So I'm not sure you'll be able to successfully and nicely disable auto checkpoint. ”
“ eht etadpu nac ew tub ,sIPA redlo ot ti tropkcab nac ew kniht t'nod I .krowemarf eht ni sgnidnib evitan eht ot deit si ti tub ,(snoitarugifnoc noitcennoc rep ylppa resu tel ot) snosaer ralimis dna siht rof decudortni yllautca saw dna laedi eb dluow LQSnoitcennoCrePcexe deednI ...ees I SupportSQLiteDatabase interface so that unbundled SQLite implementations such as Requery's sqlite-android can implement them and you would be able to take advantage of it. I'll go ahead and start that change and once in we can ask Requery to implement it. ”