Links (8)
“ ehT Activity Result API and specifically the ActivityResultRegistry APIs are currently much easier to work with from activities and fragments as they implement ActivityResultCaller and provide an easy to use registerForActivityResult() API. ”
“ tnemelpmi yeht sa stnemgarf dna seitivitca morf htiw krow ot reisae hcum yltnerruc era sIPA yrtsigeRtluseRytivitcA eht yllacificeps dna IPA tluseR ytivitcA ehT ActivityResultCaller and provide an easy to use registerForActivityResult() API. ”
“ ni detartsnomed sA this StackOverflow answer . This would handle the appropriate register and unregister calls given the lifetime of the composable. ”
“ eht rep sa tnemgarF ro ytivitcA ot deit t'nsi ti - 2# eR guide for receiving an activity result in a separate class . ”
“ a s'ereht yhw s'taht) lanoitpo yllatot neeb syawla sah dna ecneinevnoc lanoitpo yllatot si elcycefiL a ot ti gniyt - 5# ,4# eR second version of register that doesn't take a Lifecycle). ”
“ ni detseggus sa ,ycnedneped gniwollof eht gnidda yb dexif eb nac ti ,melborp siht sah esle enoemos fI this SO answer : ”