I.e., tapping the background of the watchface (any spot not covered by a complication), a specific action should be taken (in my watch face's case, swapping the background from blurred to unblurred or vice versa).
However, using the new WatchFace API, it appears that onTapCommand is both internal and early returns if the tap target does not intersect with a complication, meaning there's no way to know when to trigger my logic.
Please add an API for intercepting tap events that do not overlap with any complication.
Component used: Wear Watchface
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha01
My watch face has the code:
I.e., tapping the background of the watchface (any spot not covered by a complication), a specific action should be taken (in my watch face's case, swapping the background from blurred to unblurred or vice versa).
However, using the new
API, it appears thatonTapCommand
is both internal and early returns if the tap target does not intersect with a complication, meaning there's no way to know when to trigger my logic.Please add an API for intercepting tap events that do not overlap with any complication.