Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Yigit, do you have time to fix it?
reemission of the same liveData is racy
reemission of the same liveData is racy
Component used: WorkManager
Version used: 2.4.0
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Pixel 3a
Sample project:
It seems that when I have a Worker running with a constraint of RequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.CONNECTED), and disable my device's WiFi, that Worker is correctly cancelled, but the LiveData returned by the following code does not update to reflect the change in state from RUNNING to ENQUEUED.
The LiveData returned by the following code (observing a single tag for the same Worker above) updates as expected to reflect the new ENQUEUED state of my Worker.
This logic can be found in MainViewModel of the sample project linked in this ticket.