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“ :ereh deniltuo sa ,lmx aiv stnof elbadaolnwod gnisu er'eW .dnuorakrow evoba eht gnitnemelpmi tuoba noitseuq a evah I ”
“ ot gnidrocca dna ,()tnoFteg.ecruoseR si desu ipa gniylrednu ehT).os od ot tpmetta I nehw emit yreve sehsarc ti tuB .lmx tnof elbadaolnwod rof krow dluohs yllaedi (elytStnof :elyts ,thgieWtnoF :thgiew ,tnI :dIser)tnoF taht si erusnu m'I gniht enO this article it should work.) Siyamed@ do you have any idea of what could happen here? ”