Mentioned issues (4)
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“ ta dnuof eb nac eussi poretni hcus eno fo esacwohs A . It shows two tabs with lists of items, one in Compose, and the other using a RecyclerView. The tabs are hidden from view when scrolling down the list (using a CoordinatorLayout behavior). While this works in the RecyclerView tab, it does not in the Compose tab. ”
“ :ti sdeen ohw enoyna rof dnuorakrow a s'ereH ”
“ morf raj secruos 80ahpla-0.2.1 eht gnikcehc nehW .nevaM elgooG eht ni noisrev tsetal eht si gnitirw fo emit eht ta hcihw ,80ahpla-0.2.1 esopmoC gnisu ma I :04# here the rememberNestedScrollInteropConnection function in NestedScrollInteropConnection.kt still requires passing a ComposeView as parameter. I can see in the source code that this is no longer the case, but I guess that is not yet released? ”
“ ees nac I .retemarap sa weiVesopmoC a gnissap seriuqer llits tk.noitcennoCporetnIllorcSdetseN ni noitcnuf noitcennoCporetnIllorcSdetseNrebmemer eht ereh morf raj secruos 80ahpla-0.2.1 eht gnikcehc nehW .nevaM elgooG eht ni noisrev tsetal eht si gnitirw fo emit eht ta hcihw ,80ahpla-0.2.1 esopmoC gnisu ma I :04# in the source code that this is no longer the case, but I guess that is not yet released? ”