Mentioned issues (8)
Links (9)
“ morf dedaolnwod si 46mra-8KDJ Zulu Builds of OpenJDK ”
“ ”
“ sesu mooR a JDBC library for SQLite, can you please file a bug in asking to support the aarch64 architecture in the new Mac + M1 Chip? ”
“ tseuqer llup siht yb detroppus si nociliS elppA ,seY , but not released yet. ”
“ ) yrarbil CBDJ eht htiw eussi na otni nar ew ,yrros tey toN ) and we are waiting on a fix there before updating Room's dependency. For now, you'll have to force update the dependency with the workarounds described in this thread. ”
“ tuo kcehC . eussi siht ot noitulos a tog I kniht I ”