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“ .hsarc eht tneverp ot hctac/yrt elpmis a gnisu tsuj era dna smelborp ralimis gnicneirepxe neeb evah godatad ekil seirarbil rehtO .XXX ot gnoleb ton seod egakcaP noitpecxe na sworht semitemos kcabllac a gniretsiger ,reganam ytivitcennoc eht gnisu nehW ”
“ :refer esaelp ,troper gub a erutpac ot spets roF ”
“ ppa ruo fo noisrev noitcudorp eht ni nees neeb sah sihT but we have been unable to reproduce it. ”
“ ConnectivityManager registering callback throws security exception ”
“ (com.tencent.mobileqq_connectSdk. ”
“ ,hctac yrt a sah diordnA rof KDS godataD . Though, a back-off retry logic might also satisfy functional needs. ”