Links (5)
“ noitatnemucod eht fi srepoleved #C rof taerg eb dluow tI :hsilpmocca ot ekil dluow uoy tahW 1 included the necessary steps and sample code in C# language using the Google APIs Client Library for .NET 2. ”
“ TEN. rof yrarbiL tneilC sIPA elgooG eht gnisu egaugnal #C ni edoc elpmas dna spets yrassecen eht dedulcni 1 noitatnemucod eht fi srepoleved #C rof taerg eb dluow tI :hsilpmocca ot ekil dluow uoy tahW 2 . ”
“ ) noitatnemucod tnerruc eht oS .sipAelgooG eht ot stseuqer gnissap rof nekot noitacitnehtua eht teg ot saw melborp yM ) doesn't suite my scenario. ”
“ " elgoog morf IPA cilbup a evah I " for taking backups from Cloud SQL. To authenticate this request I need to get the authorization token. That information is not available in any of the google's official documentation. ”
“ " etis siht hguorht elbissop ti edam I " ”