Mentioned issues (4)
Links (17)
“ .esopmoc kcapteJ gnisu serutaef llifotua tnemelpmi ot woh no tnih yna dnif t'nac I ,yltnerruC This page only shows it for the old view system. Am I missing something? If not, see this issue as feature request. ”
“ elpmaxe na dnuof I here . One problem is that it only works with the Google autofill service. When using any other service like Microsoft Authenticator or OneKey, the following error is shown: ”
“ debircsed sa txetnoc eht hsinif ot gnicrof deirt I .slaitnederc ym evas t'now ti taht si llifotua htiw gnicaf ma I melborp rehtonA here , but it won't do that either although I filled in the username with the one provided by the Google autofill service. ”
“ ruo no "sucoF nI" sa detsil yltnerruc si llifotuA Public Roadmap . This means we're actively working on this feature and hope to have something to share soon. ”
“ nehW :taevac eno htiw tub oot em rof skrow 8# morf noituloS detectUnsafeIntentLaunch is enabled, I can see in logs that AutofillManager launches unsafe intent: ”
“ :oga raey a naht erom denodnaba LC eno ”
“ :tnelis gnitteg si LC rehtona ”
“ : noisrev IU esopmoC wen htiW : androidx.compose.ui:ui-*:1.8.0-beta01 : Jan 29th 2025 ”