Status Update
Comments <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
We are hit with this gcp limitation today and wondering if this is being prioritized? <> #3
This would certainly alleviate the burden of having to manage individual users' access <> <> <> #4
We have to implement a cumbersome workaround using service account impersonation, which we could drop if we had this feature
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
Yes we have also built a solution around dynamic SA impersonation with IAM expiration. The big drawback is it takes a long time for IAM to be consistent i.e. the impersonation can take minutes to be ready <> #6
HI, we are trying to implement something similar for a multi tenant setup. Is this feature now ready? Is there any solution which google suggest if AD group backed database access is not available yet
I would like all users who are members of a given group to be able to access Cloud SQL (postgres) instances using IAM.
By using the associated Google group email for authenticating.
Adding many many specific users isn't a scalable solution.
*This feature request has been forwarded to the PRODUCT product management team so that they may evaluate it. There is no timeline or implementation guarantee for feature requests. All communication regarding this feature request is to be done here.