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“ meht rof stset IU sah dna setartsnomed taht oper detacided a detaerc evah I os ,putes ralimis eriuqer taht seussi fo rebmun a era ereht dna ,ecudorper ot putes fo tib a seriuqer sihT here . ”
“ lliw seussi esehT probably affect the Compose integration for the Jetpack Navigation library, as well as other navigation libraries that are written in Compose. ”
“ neeb ev’I .yfirev ot tcejorp orper eht etadpu ot deen I hguohtla ,1.0.1 ni tneserp llits era seussi eseht fo emos tsael ta ekil skool tI chatting with Ian about this on the Kotlin Slack. He said it seems like something in might need to be changed, but I’m not sure what. ”
“ Started working on this, but it looks like navigation-compose might need a change as well. ”